"Perception about death of selected elderlies residing in Lualhati ng M" by Anson John E. Henson

Perception about death of selected elderlies residing in Lualhati ng Maynila

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Attitude to Death, Aged


The researcher utilized the descriptive type of research design. A questionnaire was constructed and was answered by the 60 elderlies both male and female aged 65 years and above residing in Lualhati ng Maynila, and who could understand and answer the questionnaire. For the purpose of data gathering, answered instrument was checked, handscored, and analyzed using the frequency distribution, mean and T-test. The major findings were the following: 1) 60% or 36 of the respondents were aged 65 to 74 years while 40% or 24 were aged 75 and above. 63% or 38 respondents were female while 33% or 22 were male respondents, 57% or 34 respondents had high school and college education while 43% or 26 of them had elementary education and lastly, 63% or 38 of the respondents were Catholic while 37% or 22 of them were non-Catholic; 2) Among the perceptions about death of selected elderlies, question no. 4 (Death can come to a person who has fulfilled his or her dreams.) obtained a highest overall mean (4.79) and was interpreted as strongly disagree. Question no. 20 (Whenever I’m all alone, I feel that I want to die.) obtained the lowest overall mean (2.65) and was interpreted as undecided. Among the 25 questions asked, 16 questions were interpreted as strongly agree, 6 questions were interpreted as agree, and 3 questions were interpreted as undecided; and 3) Based on the results and findings where T-test was used, it showed that there was no significant difference on the perceptions about death of selected elderlies when they were grouped according to sex, educational attainment, and religion. When grouped according to age, there was a significant difference shown with the computed T-test of 1.86 at 5% level of significance. This mean that the elderlies’ perceptions about death was affected by age.

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