"Factors associated with beliefs and practices regarding prevention and" by Arlyn S. Hortinela and Donnapitz S. Alegro

Factors associated with beliefs and practices regarding prevention and management of hypertension in Silang, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing




This study used a descriptive type of research method. Selected barangays with high incidence of hypertension were included. Using purposive sampling technique, 11 percent of the total number of cases was obtained as the sample. The primary tool for data gathering was a questionnaire adapted from the study of Papa (1995), which the researchers used with some modifications. The mean, t-test and f-test were the statistical treatments used. Based on the result, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) There was a significant difference in the beliefs and practices regarding the prevention of hypertension when grouped according to educational attainment; 2) There was also a significant difference regarding the management of hypertension when grouped according to stress and social activities; 3) There was no significant difference regarding prevention and management of hypertension when grouped according to sex, history of family diseases, medications being taken, food habits, and occupation.

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