"Adolescent perception on parenting roles and its relationship to actua" by Voltaire S. De Villa, Erocson R. Medina et al.

Adolescent perception on parenting roles and its relationship to actual maternal involvement in adolescent care among working mothers

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Working, Women, Adolescent, Parenting, Mother-Adolescent Relations


Descriptive quantitative type of research was utilized in determining adolescent perception on parenting roles and its relationship to actual maternal involvement in adolescent perception on parenting roles and its relationship to actual maternal involvement in adolescent care among working mothers. A sample of 110 respondents were taken out of 343 students from St. Michael’s Institute in Bacoor, Cavite aging 12-18 years old and whose mothers are working within the country, excluding 10 respondents which were given sample questionnaire for the pre-test. The researchers used a questionnaire patterned from the study of Cabay (1996) as their research instrument. The statistical treatment used were the frequency distribution, mean, F-test, T-test, Duncan multiple range test and correlation coefficient. The following findings were shown: 1) Majority of the respondents were female with 60.9%, aged 15 years old with 29.1% third child with 32.7%, with a family income ranging from 10,000 and below with 48.2%, and mostly with the presence of their aunt/uncle at home as guardian while their mothers are working with 34.5%; 2) Selected adolescents from St. Michael’s Institute of Bacoor, Cavite have a moderate belief in parenting roles with the mean score of 3.92, showing good manners and right conduct is leading with a mean of 4.28 and the least was allowing their children to have a girlfriend or boyfriend with a mean score of 3.18; 3) Regarding the level of maternal involvement in adolescent care among working mothers, it revealed that there is moderate involvement in adolescent care with an average mean of 3.81. It showed that mothers have the highest involvement in giving the child their freedom to choose their own career with a mean score of 4.25, and least involvement is allowing their children to have a girlfriend or boyfriend with the opposite sex with the mean of 2.97; 4) The study showed that there is a direct relationship between the perception of adolescent in parenting roles and the level of maternal involvement in adolescent care with a computed correlation of P= .000 < α = 1% which shows the positive relationship is moderately high; 5) The study showed that there is a significant difference in the perception of adolescent in parenting roles when they are grouped according to age. Age 16 has the highest perception of 4.2232 and all other ages have the same perception, while it is revealed that there is no significant difference when they are grouped according to ordinal position, sex, presence of significant others and family income; and 6) The study showed that there is significant difference in the level of maternal involvement in adolescent care when they are grouped according to age. Age group of 16 has the highest level with a mean of 4.0732 and all other groups have the same level of maternal involvement in adolescent care.

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