"Factors affecting the compliance of first time mothers regarding the i" by Therese Kaye S. Agno, Matthew D. Gallarte et al.

Factors affecting the compliance of first time mothers regarding the immunization schedule of their child in selected barangays in the City of Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing




The researchers used a descriptive type of research design. The respondents of this study belonged to the early adulthood stage with ages 20 to 35 years old who were coherent, competent and willing to participate and answer the self-made questionnaire to complete the study. Participants were chosen using convenience sampling. Data was analysed using frequency and percentage distribution, mean, and f-test. Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) most of the respondents were 20 to 25 years old, unemployed, reached high school level, Roman Catholic, and married; the factors affecting the compliance of first time mothers regarding immunization schedule of their child was ranked according to the over-all mean per domain and it showed that psychoemotional factors with a total mean of 3.23 ranked highest among the factors that affect their compliance. It was followed by health services factors with a total mean of 3.19, then psychosocial factors with a total mean of 3.11 and maternal knowledge and beliefs regarding immunization with a total mean of 3.00. Socio-economic factors with a total mean of 2.49 ranked the least affective domain that influence the compliance of the first time mothers; (2) there were no significant differences in the factors affecting compliance of first time mothers regarding immunization status of their child when they were grouped according to age, employment status, educational attainment, religion, and civil status.

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