"Extent of utilization of automation systems technology in the executio" by Mary Kaye Abrigo, Raphael A. Francisco et al.

Extent of utilization of automation systems technology in the execution of basic patient care by professional nurses in a private tertiary hospital in Metro Manila

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Health Information Technology


This study utilized a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive research design. The study included 50 staff nurses in the patient's ward who work in a

private tertiary hospital in Metro Manila and were chosen using purposive sampling. Investigation of the phenomena was done through distribution of questionnaires to qualified respondents. This research used a self-made tool and data was analysed using percentage, mean, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The following conclusions were drawn: (1) most of the respondents were 22-35 years old, with one year length of service, belonging to the medical ward which has 29-31 beds, and has an average number of 16-20 patients per day; (2) moderate extent of utilization of automation systems technology in the execution of basic patient care by professional nurses. There was no significant difference in the extent of utilization of automation systems technology in the execution of basic patients care when the respondents were grouped according to age, length of service, and the hospital in terms of hospital's bed capacity and average number of patients per day.

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