"Foreign nursing students in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute : a " by Joko A. Encarnacion, Maroj S. Laroya et al.

Foreign nursing students in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute : a phenomenological study

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nursing Students, Foreigner


The purpose of the study was to determine the lived experiences of foreign nursing students enrolled at De La Salle Health Sciences Institute by using the grand tour question, "What are your experiences as a foreign student studying nursing in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute?" This research utilized a qualitative research design, phenomenological approach. The participants took nursing in the Philippines because of cheaper nursing education as compared to the country they came from. Most of their career choices were influenced by their families; some took the chance of going to the Philippines as a solution to conflict with parents; the participants would rather not speak the Filipino language than not understand the Filipino language; they learned the Filipino language at a different pace; the participants' first friends were fellow foreigners or those who understand English; the participants had a hard time interacting with patients at first; they learned the basics of Filipino in special Filipino classes; they learned to be on-time commuting or getting to school; they were very much affected by the weather; the participants' friends played an important role in their adjustment; the participants preferred hands-on experience with patients; they had improved their communication skills. They became more aware of their own health first and then others; they became closer to their families, especially parents; some participants will leave the Philippines after study; while some participants want to continue into medicine after nursing.

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