"Level of understanding of teenage primigravid women on prenatal care i" by Lindka Pamela L. Gallo, Bianca Nicole A. Mangalinda et al.

Level of understanding of teenage primigravid women on prenatal care in selected barangays of Imus City, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Prenatal Care, Teenage Mothers, Pregnancy


The method of research used in this study was quantitative non-experimental descriptive design. The researchers selected 102 teenage primigravid women from selected barangays of Imus City, Cavite. Respondents were selected using non-probability purposive sampling. Data was gathered using an adapted-modified questionnaire from the unpublished undergraduate study of Bertumen and Salvador (2003) entitled “A Study on the Knowledge of Pregnant Women Regarding Prenatal Care in Selected Communities of Imus City, Cavite”. Data was analysed using frequency distribution, percentage, t-test, and mean. Majority of the teenage primigravid women were ages 17-19 years old, high school undergraduate, with less than P10,000 monthly family income, single and Catholic. The level of understanding of teenage primigravid women was very good. There were no significant differences on level of understanding of teenage primigravid women on prenatal care when grouped according to civil status, educational attainment, religious affiliation and monthly family income. However, there was a significant difference when the respondents are grouped according to age.

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