"The level of compliance to prenatal care among teenagers in selected b" by Anna Maria Cecilia C. Del Mundo, Sharmaine A. Quesada et al.

The level of compliance to prenatal care among teenagers in selected barangays in District 7, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Prenatal Care, Teenage Mothers, Pregnancy


This research utilized a descriptive quantitative design. The respondents were composed of pregnant teenagers in their third trimester, without any pregnancy complications, ages 13-19 years old, living and residing in District 7, Cavite and having prenatal check-up on health facilities. Judgemental and snowball sampling were used to identify the respondents. Adapted-modified research was used as instrument and data was analysed using frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Majority of the respondents of this study were high school graduates, unemployed, with a family income of 10,000 pesos and below, with a marital status of live-in and seeks prenatal care in health centers. In general, teenagers in selected barangays in District 7, Cavite showed a high level of compliance to prenatal care in terms of lifestyle modification practices and diagnostic management. There was no significant difference in the level of compliance to prenatal care in terms of lifestyle modification practices among respondents when they were grouped according to educational background, employment status, marital status and source of prenatal care and showed significant difference when grouped according to family income. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the level of compliance to prenatal care in terms of diagnostic management among the respondents when they were grouped according to educational attainment, employment status, family income, marital status and source of prenatal care.

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