"Factors affecting compliance to hemodialysis treatment among middle-ag" by An Krizia A. Anino, Norris A. Dultra et al.

Factors affecting compliance to hemodialysis treatment among middle-aged diagnosed with end-stage renal disease being treated in selected dialysis centers in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Renal Dialysis, Kidney Failure, Chronic, Compliance


The study utilized the descriptive non-experimental method of research. It involved 75 patients undergoing hemodialysis and being treated as outpatient basis from three (3) selected dialysis clinics in Cavite and they were chosen using purposive sampling or judgmental sampling. This study used questionnaire that was adapted from Umali et al. in 2006 and was modified according to the focus of the study. To ensure valid and reliable results of the data, the following statistical treatment procedures were employed: frequency, percentage, weighted mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). As an outcome of this research, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) The profile of the respondents showed that majority of them belong to age bracket of 50 to 60 years old, male, married and unemployed. Most of the respondents have a monthly income of 10,000 below and most of them were able to finish college. In terms of their duration of treatment, most of them have undergone treatment from six months to one year; 2) The respondents strongly agree that family-social support Affects their compliance to treatment regimen. They agree that financial-related aspect Affects their compliance to hemodialysis treatment, but they are uncertain that physical-related aspects and emotional-related aspects are factors affecting their compliance to hemodialysis treatment; 3) There are no significant differences among the factors affecting compliance of the middle-aged end-stage renal disease patients to hemodialysis treatment when they are grouped according to gender and monthly income; 4) However, there are significant differences among the factors affecting compliance grouped according to age, educational background, employment status, civil status and duration of treatment.

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