"Effects of self-healing exercises to the activities of daily living mi" by Kris Kristoffer D. Anolin, Carlisle P. Batallones et al.

Effects of self-healing exercises to the activities of daily living middle-aged individuals in selected areas in Silang, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Yoga, Exercise, Activities of Daily Living


This study is a quasi-experimental type, specifically pre-test post-test design and also known as a before and after the introduction of the experimental intervention. Using purposive sampling, a total of 40 middle adult participants from selected areas in Silang, 20 in the control group and 20 in the treatment group respectively, were the participants of the study. The study used a self-made questionnaire as a primary instrument. The following descriptive and quantitative statistical analysis was utilized: percentage, mean, standard deviation and paired t-test. The study concluded that; 1) The participants showed that a) 20% of them belongs to the age group of 35-40 years old; b) 25% of them belongs to the age group of 41-45 years old; c) 25% of them belongs to the age group of 45-50 years old; and d) 30% of them belongs to the age group of 51-55 years old which comprises the majority of the participants; 2) The participants in both control and treatment groups often experiences satisfactory performance of ADL before implementation of yoga and Qigong sessions. However, after the implementation of yoga and Qigong sessions the performance of the treatment group has been significantly enhanced to being able to perform their activities of daily living always at satisfactory level as against the control group in which the performance remained the same after not being able to undergo Yoga and Qigong Sessions; 3) There is significant difference in the level of performance of ADL of the middle-aged individuals after the implementation of self-healing exercise sessions in the treatment group as opposed to the control group. And it is therefore deemed as an effective therapeutic management to the enhancement of the ADL of middle-aged individuals.

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