"Level of knowledge about dengue hemorrhagic fever of residents in Gold" by Cristadel T. Anguay, Owen I. Cruz et al.

Level of knowledge about dengue hemorrhagic fever of residents in Golden City subdivision Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Dengue, Public Health


The study utilized a quantitative non-experimental research design. Stratified random sampling was used in this study to determine how many respondents needed in each phase. There were 221 respondents for this study. The tool used was a modified adapted questionnaire from the study of Sychingco (1997), entitled “Knowledge of Mothers Residing in Brgy. Burol 2 Regarding the Etiology, Transmission and Prevention of Dengue Fever.” The following statistical tests were used to answer the specific problems and to test the hypothesis of the study: percentage and frequency distribution, mean, t-test, ANOVA or F-test. The following conclusions were obtained based from the findings of the study: 1) Majority of the residents were 15-19 years old, female, high school graduates and unemployed; 2) The respondents have a high level of knowledge about dengue hemorrhagic fever; 3) There is no significant difference in the level of knowledge of residents when grouped according to age and gender; 4) There is a significance difference in the level of knowledge of residents when grouped according to educational attainment and occupation.

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