"The level of coping of institutionalized elderly in selected instituti" by Abigael M. Lucero, Desiree Agnes L. Mendoza et al.

The level of coping of institutionalized elderly in selected institutions in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Adaptation, Psychological, Aged, Homes for the Aged


The study utilized the non-experimental descriptive type of study to present the data regarding the level of coping of institutionalized elderly in selected institutions in Cavite and chosen using quota sampling. The research instrument used in this study is an adapted, modified, checklist type questionnaire developed by the researchers for the purpose of the study. The statistical treatments used in this study to answer the specific problems are frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Z-test and f-test. The study came up with the following conclusions: 1) Majority of the respondents belong to the age group of 65 years old and above, mostly are females, Catholics, and those stayed in the institution for less than a year including those who are never visited by their relatives and those who are able to reach high school level; 2) The respondents have a great emotional, psychological and physical degree of coping; 3) There is no significant difference in the level of coping of institutionalized elderly in selected institutions in Cavite when grouped according to age, gender, religion, length of stay, regularity of visit of relatives and educational attainment.

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