"Assessment on the knowledge, beliefs and practices of teachers regardi" by Pauline Marie D. Magluyan and Ninianne Mar T. Santiago

Assessment on the knowledge, beliefs and practices of teachers regarding breastfeeding in selected public elementary schools in District II, Bacoor, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Breast Feeding, Teachers


Descriptive statistics is the method used in interpreting and analyzing the data gathered. Purposive sampling was done to obtain the actual respondents, a non-probability sampling method with no required randomization. This research assessed the knowledge, beliefs and practices regarding breastfeeding of public elementary school teachers aged 21-45 years old, with children within the age brackets of 1-3, 4-6 and 7 and above years old. Questionnaire was adapted and modified from Samaco’s study “Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices of Mothers Regarding Breastfeeding”. The study concluded that; 1) The total population, a majority of the teachers belong to the 21 to 25 years old bracket, have 1 to 3 children, married and have a monthly family income of P35,001 to P50,000; 2) The respondents have a great amount of knowledge, beliefs and practices with regard to breastfeeding; 3) The results show that the teachers’ knowledge, beliefs and practices regarding breastfeeding are affected by age, number of children, civil status and monthly family income.

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