"The level of awareness of primigravidas on preventing complications of" by Hariette Danielle T. Mariano, Mary Genevieve L. Ocba et al.

The level of awareness of primigravidas on preventing complications of pregnancy in selected Barangays in Imus I, Cavite

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The study used the descriptive non-experimental method. The population of the study was the primagravidas residing in selected barangay in Imus, Cavite. Using purposive sampling technique, the study was able to identify 50 respondents. The research instrument used was a two-part self-made questionnaire. It was divided into two main parts namely the: 1) sociodemographic variables that will help determine the profile of respodents, and the 2) scaling of level of awareness of the respondents regarding their awareness in preventing complications of pregnancy. The following treatment was used: frequency, percentage, mean, ANOVA via F-test, standard deviation and t-test for independent samples. Based on the aforementioned findings, it can be concluded that: 1) Majority of the primigravidas in Imus I, Cavite are 25 to 34 years old, have high school level of education, single, currently non-working, belong to a nuclear family and regularly attend prenatal checkups; 2) The primigravidas in Imus I, Cavite have moderate level of awareness in preventing complications of pregnancy; 3) The level of awareness of primigravidas on preventing complications of pregnancy had no significant difference when they are grouped accoding to age, educational attainment, marital status, occupation and family structure but there is a significant difference when they are grouped according to compliance to prenatal checkups.

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