"Forensic nursing : a field of specialization as perceived by Bachelor " by Clara Marisse N. Lauzon, Elizabeth Joan E. Orilla et al.

Forensic nursing : a field of specialization as perceived by Bachelor of Science in Nursing batch 2009 of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Forensic Nursing


The study utilized the non-experimental descriptive type of research. Respondents of the study were composed of 100 nursing students of DLSHSI Batch 2009. They were chosen through simple random sampling. A self-made questionnaire was used to gather information about their perception to forensic nursing as field of specialization. The statistical treatments used were mean, t-test and f-test. Based on the summary of findings, the researchers formulated the following conclusions: 1) Majority of the BSN Batch 2009 of DLSHSI were female, Catholic, had a monthly family income of Php30,001 and above and indicated that nursing is their preferred course; 2) The BSN Batch 2009 of DLSHSI have a high level of perception regarding forensic nursing as a field of specialization; 3) The respondents had the same perception regarding forensic nursing as field of specialization regardless of gender, religious affiliation, monthly family income, and preference to the field of nursing.

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