"Problems encountered by nursing students batch 2009 in De La Salle Hea" by Lemuel Alden S. Amparo, Karla M. De Gracia et al.

Problems encountered by nursing students batch 2009 in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute and its implication to patients care

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Patient Care, Nursing Care, College Students, Nursing


The study used quantitative descriptive non-experimental type of research. The target population of the study was the 4th year students of the College of Nursing and Midwifery taking up BS Nursing course. The sample size was determined by using Slovin’s formula. One hundred and ninety seven (197) students were selected as respondents of the study using simple random sampling. The instrument used to gather data for the study was a questionnaire adapted from the study of Adolfo, et al. (2003). The demographic profiles of the respondents were identified using the frequency and the percentage. The level of problems encountered by the respondents and their implication to patient care were measured with the use of the mean. The t-test and the F-test (ANOVA) were employed to determine if there are significant differences between the level of problems encountered by the respondents and their implication to patient care when the respondents were grouped according to their demographic profile. The following conclusions were drawn in this study: 1) Majority of nursing students of DLSHSI batch 2009 were female, eldest child in the family, have personality type C, and have family income of P30,000 and above; 2) The nursing students batch 2009 in DLSHSI have low level of personal problems; 3) The personal problems of the nursing students batch 2009 in DLSHSI have very low level of implication to patient’s care; 4) The nursing students’ batch 2009 in DLSHSI have very low level of interpersonal problems; 5) The interpersonal problems of the nursing students’ batch 2009 in DLSHSI have very low level of implication to patient’s care; 6) The nursing student’ batch 2009 in DLSHSI has low level of clinical experience-related problems;7) The clinical experience-related problems of the nursing students batch 2009 in DLSHSI have low level of implication to patient’s care; 8) Personal problems encountered by the respondents have no significant difference when grouped according to gender, ordinal position, personality type and family income; 10) Interpersonal problems encountered by the respondents have no significant difference when grouped according to gender, personality type and family income; 11) There is a significant difference on the respondent’s interpersonal problems to patient’s care when grouped according to ordinal position. The elderst child respondents have the lowest level of interpersonal problems; 12) The implication of respondents’ interpersonal problems to patient’s care has no significant different when grouped according to gender, ordinal position, personality type and family income; 13) The clinical experienced-related problems encountered by the respondents have significant difference when grouped according to gender, ordinal position and personality type; 14) There is a significant difference on the respondent’s clinical experienced-realted problems when grouped according to family income. Respondent’s belong to family income group with P30,000.00 and above have the highest level of clinical experience related problems; 15) The implications of respondents’ clinical experienced-related problems to patient’s care has no significant difference when grouped according to gender, ordinal position, personality type and family

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