"The functional ability of institutionalized elderly in Golden Acres" by Nyzza C. Gabor, Arianne Joan A. Inguillo et al.

The functional ability of institutionalized elderly in Golden Acres

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Functional Status, Aged, Homes for Aged


The quantitative study made use of the descriptive type of research design. The 100 respondents were chosen through a purposive type of sampling in Golden Acres. It used a self-made tool that was validated by three (3) qualified validators. The statistical treatments used were: 1) percentage, 2) mean, 3) t-test, and 4) f-test. The following conclusions are drawn: 1) Majority of the institutionalized elderly in Golden Acres are 66 to 70 years old, male, widowed, Catholic and have been in the institution for 1-3 years; 2) They have a high level of functional ability; 3) There is significant difference in terms of age and length of stay in the institution while there is no significant difference in terms of gender, marital status and religion.

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