"The perception of family members with dying patient confined in select" by Jona Rose M. Austria, Ma. Cristina J. Borce et al.

The perception of family members with dying patient confined in selected hospitals in Cavite regarding do not resuscitate order

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Resuscitation Orders, Right to Die


Descriptive type of research was used in this study. Probability sampling specifically purposive ssampling was used by the researchers in selecting the respondents. The research instrument was made by the researchers and was validated by five (5) faculty member. In the analysis of the data gathered, frequency distribution, mean, t-test and F-test or ANOVA were the main statistical treatment used in this study. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the family members with dying patient in selected hospitals in Cavite were 31-50 years old, male, single, Catholic, belongs to the income group of P10,000 and below, college graduate and were children of the patient; 2) The family members of the dying patients agreed on the “Do Not Resuscitate” order; 3) There is no significant difference on the family members’ perception regarding the “Do not Resuscitate” order when grouped according to age, gender, civil status, religion, socio-economic status, educational attainment and relationship with the patient.

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