"Level of knowledge of older persons with cardiovascular disease regard" by Rozza Mae M. Atanacio, Angelica H. Carganilla et al.

Level of knowledge of older persons with cardiovascular disease regarding conventional, alternative and complementary medicine in upland, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Cardiovascular Diseases, Complementary Therapies, Alternative Medicine


A non-experimental descriptive quantitative type of research was used in this study to observe and describe the level of knowledge of older persons with cardiovascualar disease regarding conventional, alternative and complementary medicine. The 77 respondents are who were diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases were chosen using purposive sampling. The ages covered were 40 and above. There were 17 respondents from Silang, 20 from Tagaytay, 19 for Mendez, and 21 are from Amadeo and Cavite. The tool used was self-made 30-item questionnaire. In data analysis, the statistical treatments utilized in the study were percentage, t-test, F-test or the One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study concluded that; 1) Majority of the older respondents with cardiovascular disease in upland Cavite were 60 years old and above, with almost equal number of male and female, married, Catholic, college undergraduate, have a monthly family income of Php10,000 and below, have a family history of hypertension, and had a cardiovascular disease for four to six years; 2) Majority of the respondents with cardiovascular disease in upland Cavite have high level of knowledge regarding conventional medicine; 3) Respondents with cardiovascular disease in upland Cavite from different age groups, male and female, single, Catholic and non-Catholic, with different educational attainment, from different family income groups, with different family history of diseases, with duration of illness have the same level of knowledge regarding conventional, alternative and complementary medicine except for married respondents who have higher level of knowledge regarding alternative medicine.

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