"Assessment on the level of work satisfaction of barangay health worker" by Mark Jacor P. Avila, Lawrence Ian C. Dela Cruz et al.

Assessment on the level of work satisfaction of barangay health workers in Dasmariñas, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Job Satisfaction, Health Personnel, Community Health Workers


The study utilized the descriptive non-experimental method of research study to determine the level of work satisfaction of barangay health workers in Dasmarinas, Cavite. The sampling that was used in this study was purposive sampling. A total of 138 Barangay Health Workers assigned in Dasmarinas, Cavite were used in the study. The researchers utilized a self-made tool with four-point scale that was subjected to validation by qualified faculty members of the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery. The statistical treatments used to answer the research problem were the following: a) percentage, b) frequency distribution, c) mean, d) standard deviation, and e) F-test. The study concluded that; 1) Majority of the respondents were 50 years old and above, married, in service for 10 years and above and has a salary of P1,000 and below; 2) The BHWs have high level of satisfaction with their relationship to the municipal health officer, public health nurse, rural health midwife and community residents, the safety of the working environment, adequacy of space, schedule of work, trainings received from the health center, recognitions given by the health center and respect of the people in the community. However, BHWs have moderate level of satisfaction about the availability of the equipment, ventilation, organization of facilities, sufficiency and nature of work, amount of salary received, schedule of giving of salary, benefits received from the health center, understanding and support received from leaders in the barangay and appreciation of work as a BHW from the people and other members of the health care team; 3) the level of work satisfaction of BHWs in Dasmarinas, Cavite had no significant difference when they are grouped according to age, civil status, length of service and salary.

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