"Perception of allied health students of De La Salle Health Sciences In" by Chissea L. Amugod, Harishna B. Catuncan et al.

Perception of allied health students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute in Dasmariñas Cavite regarding medical doctors as registered nurses

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nurses, Physicians


The study utilized the non-experimental descriptive method. The 1,589 respondents consisted of 811 nursing students and eight (8) midwifery students from the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery; 235 medicine students from College of Medicine; 259 radiation technology students from College of Medical Radiation Technology; 276 physical therapy students from the College of Physical Therapy regardless of their age, gender, religion and monthly family income. The stratified random sampling method was used in this study in order for the population to have equal chances. A Likert-type Scale was employed for the set of questions consisting of several declarative items that expressed a viewpoint on a topic.The following statistical treatments were used to answer the statement of the problems and to test the hypothesis of the study: frequency distribution, percentage distribution, mean, t-test of two samples, F-test or Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), difference and standard deviation. Based from the summary of findings, the study concluded the following: 1) Majority of the respondents were 16-20 years old, female, Catholic, belonged to families earning Php50,001-100,000 monthly and were nursing students; 2) The respondents agreed that medical doctors as registered nurses when grouped according to monthly family income and gender revealed that no significant differences existed in all of the factors mentioned. However, age, religion and course showed significant difference. This means that factors like age, religion and course may affect individuals’ perceptions regarding medical doctors as registered nurses.

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