"Factors affecting the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in N" by Lady Jennifer O. Ferido, Katrina Almeli C. Mata et al.

Factors affecting the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in Nursing batch 2009 of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Academic Performance, College Students, Nursing


This study used the descriptive research design. There were 374 third year Bachelor of Sciences In Nursing students, excluding the researchers. Since the researchers decided to utilize 30 percent of the population, they obtained 112 students, upon computation of probable respondents. This means that they used 12 to 13 students from each of the nine (9) sections. They were selected through stratified random sampling. The research instrument employed was self-made and was validated by four chosen faculty members from the College of Nursing. Frequency distribution and percentage were used for the presentation of the profile of the respondents and mean was used to establish different factors in the mentioned instrument that affect the academic performance of the respondents. T-test was used to compare the significant difference with factors affecting the academic performance of the students when grouped according to gender. One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) or F-test was used to compare significant difference with factors affecting the academic performance of the students when grouped according to monthly family income and place of residency. The conclusion of the study are the following: 1) Majority of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Batch 2009 were female, had a monthly family income of P30,000 to P49,999 and were living in dormitories; 2) The physiological, psycho-emotional and social factors had high influence on the academic performance of BS Nursing Batch 2009; 3) There is no significant difference in psycho-emotional and social factors when grouped according to monthly family income and place of residency. This is the same with gender and physiological factor when grouped according to monthly family income and place of residency.

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