"Level of social support of fourth year high school students in Rosario" by Kay Paoline B. Fabriquier, Errol Ace M. Franco et al.

Level of social support of fourth year high school students in Rosario National High School, Rosario, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Psychosocial Support Systems, Adolescents


A descriptive research design was utilized in this study that attempted to describe the level of social support of fourth year high school students in Rosario National High School, Cavite. The respondents of the study were 232 fourth year students. They were selected using probability sampling. The main instrument that was used was a questionnaire, which underwent testing for reliability. The researchers asked the help of four faculty members in the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery to validate the tool. After the validation, the instrument was pre-tested among 20 randomly selected students in Rosario National High School. Frequency, percentage, mean and t-test were the statistical methods used to interpret and analyze the results of the gathered data. The study concluded that; 1) Majority of the respondents were female, Catholic, nuclear families, parents attained high school, fathers were employed, mothers that were unemployed and families with an average monthly income of Php10,000 and below gave more social support; 2) The level of social support of fourth year high school students in Rosario National High School, Rosario, Cavite was in moderate degree of support; 3) There was a significant difference in the level of social support of fourth year high school students in Rosario National High School, Rosario, Cavite when grouped according to gender, religion, family structure, parents’ educational attainment, parents’ employment status and family monthly income.

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