"Relationship between place of residency and academic performance of th" by Edwin S. Antonio, John Rafael Z. Dollaga et al.

Relationship between place of residency and academic performance of third year nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute batch 2010

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Academic Performance, Residence Characteristics


The study used the descriptive method and gathered data using questionnaire survey form. The researchers had 200 third year nursing students of DLSHSI batch 2010 as their respondents out of the total population of 241 chosen using convenience sampling method. Data gathered was subjected to the following statistical treatment: percentage, mean, t-test, f-test and Pearson r- correlation. After presenting, interpreting and analyzing the data, the following conclusion were made: 1) Majority of the respondents are female, Catholic, and belong to Php 40,001 and above monthly family income group; 2) The most common place was residency of the respondents in dormitory; 3) The level of academic performance of the respondents as evidenced by mean GPA falls under “Satisfactory” remark; 4) There is no significant difference between place of residency and gender. There is no significant difference between place of residency and religious affiliation and between place of residency and monthly family income of respondents; 5) The level of academic performance responded by GPA is not significantly different when grouped according to gender, religious affiliation and monthly family income; 6) There is significant relationship between GPA and common place of residency.

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