"Knowledge on basic life support and standard first aid among 4th year " by John Jameson A. Aniata, Nikko Bien B. Mariscotes et al.

Knowledge on basic life support and standard first aid among 4th year BSN batch 2010 of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


First Aid, Life Support Care, College Students


The study utilized the case study method of descriptive non-experimental quantitative research. Convenience sampling was used in chosen 150 4th year BSN students batch 2010 who had undergone basic life support and first aid lecture and return demonstration in their Health Care 1 AHSE 105 subject. The research tool was composed of set of questions that was answered by the selected respondents. The following statistical treatment was used to analyze and describe the specific problems and test the hypothesis of the study: frequency distribution, percentage, mean, t-test and f-test. The following conclusions are obtained: 1) Most of the selected 4th year BSN students of DLSHSI were female, had their latest exposure on Basic Life Support and Standard First Aid for about 13 to 18 months ago, were interested in both Basic Life Support and Standard First Aid, and mostly were non-member of Red Cross Youth Council and preferred Operating Room and Emergency Room as their electives; 2) The result indicated that most of the selected BSN students of DLSHSI have poor level of knowledge of Basic Life Support and Standard First Aid; 3) There was no significant difference in the level of knowledge about Basic Life support and Standard First Aid when grouped according to gender, exposure to the trainings and seminar, interest in the topic, and preferred specialization/electives. There was a significant difference on the level of knowledge in Basic Life Support and Standard First Aid when grouped according to Red Cross Youth Council Membership.

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