"Effects of advertisement on the eating habits of school age children a" by Carreyl Ann L. Angkino, Ma. Ruby Glenda E. Magsano et al.

Effects of advertisement on the eating habits of school age children as perceived by their parents

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Child Nutrition, Feeding Behavior


This study made use of a descriptive survey method investigation. A self-made tool in the form of questionnaire was used in the study to gain information about the effects of advertisement on the eating habits of school age children as perceived by their parents in Pasong Buaya I and II Imus, Cavite. Out of 200 families with children aged 6 to 12 years old at Pasong Buaya, Imus Cavite, 20 families were chosen from Pasong Buaya I while another 180 from Pasong Buaya II. The respondents were selected by means of purposive sampling. The main statistical treatments used in the study were percentage, mean, t-test and f-test or ANOVA. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents of the study were between 31 to 40 years old, female, obtained elementary level of education, belonged to the income grouped of P10,000 and below, unemployed and were Roman Catholic; 2) Parents of school age children in Pasong Buaya Imus, Cavite agreed that advertisement had a negative effect on the eating habits of their school age children; 3) Perceptions of parents of school age children in Pasong Buaya, Imus, Cavite were not affected by their age, educational attainment, economic status, employment status and religion. However, the respondents’ gender affected their perception regarding the effects of advertisement on the eating habits of their school age children wherein male has a higher perception that advertisement has an effect to the eating habits of their school age child.

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