"Perception of patients regarding emotional support provided by staff n" by Mark Joseph G. Bawalan, Ma. Veronica P. Donayre et al.

Perception of patients regarding emotional support provided by staff nursing during their hospitalization

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Interpersonal Relations, Nurse-Patient Relations, Patient Care


The study utilized the descriptive non-experimental method of research. Using purposive sampling, the respondents were 100 patients equally distributed in different ward of DLSUMC. The researchers utilized an adopted and modified tool with five point scale that was subjected to validation by qualified faculty members of the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery and by nurse supervisors of De La Salle University Medical Center. The statistical treatments used to answer the research problem were the following: a) frequency distribution; b) mean, c) percentage, d) t-test and e) ANOVA. The following conclusions were obtained: 1) Majority of the patients of De La Salle University Medical Center belonging to the 30 to 39 years old, female, married, have attained college level of education, have family income of P10,000 and below, were confined in DLSUMC for two (2) to three (3) days, and Catholic; 2) The patients of De La Salle University Medical Center perceived that the staff nurse have provided them with a very good emotional support; 3) The perception of patients regarding emotional support provided by staff nurses during their hospitalization is the same regardless of their age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, socio-economic status, duration of hospitalization and religious affiliation.

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