"Level of self-esteem in rendering care of 3rd year nursing students am" by Rebekah R. Bonifacio, Katrina Rae R. Felipe et al.

Level of self-esteem in rendering care of 3rd year nursing students among selected schools in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Self Concept, Nursing Care


The study utilized the non-experimental, descriptive type of research. Using convenience sampling, the respondents of the study were composed of 120 3rd year BS Nursing students, equally selected from the three nursing schools in Cavite who have been exposed to clinical setting. The study measured the level of self-esteem of 3rd year students using a self-made questionnaire which was divided into parts: the demographic data and the 20-item self-esteem assessment prepared by the researchers. Statistical tests were used to answer the specific problems and to test the hypothesis of this study. These include percentile, mean, t-test and ANOVA. The researchers came up with the following conclusions: 1) Most of the 3rd year nursing students were female, ages 17 to 20 years old, the eldest child in the family, Catholic and who belongs to a family earning Php30,000 to Php50,000 monthly; 2) The 3rd year nursing students have high level self-esteem when rendering care to patients; 3) Religion and socioeconomic status affect the level of self-esteem of 3rd year nursing students when it comes to rendering care to patients while gender, age and ordinal position does not effect the level of self-esteem of 3rd year nursing students when it comes to rendering care to patients.

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