"Study on the level of physical, emotional/psychological and social asp" by Niño Anthony O. Bautista, Audrey G. Castillo et al.

Study on the level of physical, emotional/psychological and social aspects among individuals having scoliosis

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Scoliosis, Quality of Life, Psychology


This is a descriptive, non-experimental study that deals with the level of physical, emotional/psychological and social aspect among individuals having scoliosis when they are grouped according to age, gender, religion, civil status, educational attainment and monthly family month income. Using purposive sampling, the respondent of the study consisted of at least 100 individuals with scoliosis. An adapted and modified tool from the study of Almeda et al. (2005) was used. The statistical treatments used were percentage distribution, mean, frequency, ANOVA via- f-test and t-test. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents having scoliosis belong are 18 to 25 years old, female, Catholic, single, college level and have monthly family income of Php10,000 and below; 2) The study on the level of physical aspects among individuals having scoliosis is moderate whereas, the emotional/psychological and social aspect among individuals having scoliosis is high. This means that the respondents, despite their present condition of having scoliosis, have a positive outlook in life and have helped them not to become hopeless; 3) The study on the level of emotional/psychological and social aspects among individuals having scoliosis is not affected by their age, gender, religion, civil status, educational attainment and monthly income. The level of physical aspect of the respondents are affected by their educational attainment and monthly family income.

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