"Effects of art therapy on the stress level of housewives in the City o" by Mary Roxanne A. Azucena, Decejune Pete V. Pagaduan et al.

Effects of art therapy on the stress level of housewives in the City of Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Psychological Stress, Art Therapy, Housewives


The researchers utilized a quasi-experimental research method. The main sources of data came primarily from the responses of a total of 80 respondents from Poblacion three (3) and Poblacion four (4) both in the City of Imus, Cavite and were chosen through purposive sampling. The research instrument was adapted from the undergraduate unpublished study of Asuncion et al. (2007). Data was analyzed using frequency distribution, mean, and t-test. The study concluded that (1) the over-all results of the respondents’ demographic variable revealed that most of the respondents were 30 to 35 years old, high school undergraduate, belong to the cohabiting type of family structure, have an income of Php10,000 and below, and Catholic; (2) the stress levels of the respondents in the control group were recorded under high stress level on the pre-test and post-test. On the other hand, respondents in the treatment group had very high stress level and after the intervention moderate stress level had been recorded; (3) there was a significant difference in the stress level among housewives before and after between those who were exposed and not exposed to intervention.

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