"Effects of having a single-parent family to the academic performance o" by Aaron Jay C. Mendoza, Ivy Laurice T. Santos et al.

Effects of having a single-parent family to the academic performance of selected nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Academic Performance, Single-Parent Family, College Students, Nursing


This study utilized descriptive research design. Using purposive sampling technique, the total number of 138 nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute from Batch 2010 to Batch 2012 coming from single parent family were chosen in the study. Data gathering instrument used was survey using 3-point rating scale self-made questionnaire. Data was analyzed through percentage distribution, mean, t-test and f-test. The study concluded that; 1) Majority of the nursing students who came from single-parent family were Catholic, with a surrogate patent, with more than 10 years of period of separation with the single parent, college graduate educational attainment of parent, with family income of P30,001 and above and have a grade point average of 85-89.99; 2) Nursing students belonging to a single-parent family agreed that there is an effect of having a single parent family on the academic performance; 3) There were no significant difference in the effects of having a single parent family on the academic performance of nursing students when grouped according to religion, type of single parent family, period of separation, educational attainment of parent, monthly family income and the grade point average.

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