"Comparative study on the level of self-esteem between older persons st" by Kathleen Dixie T. Manahan, Ma. Lourdes O. Ramirez et al.

Comparative study on the level of self-esteem between older persons staying in a home for the aged and living with their families

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Aged, Self Concept, Homes for the Aged


The comparative descriptive design was used in this study. Respondents were chosen using convenience sampling. The research instrument used was Rosenberg Self-esteem scale. In the analysis of data, the main statistical treatments used were frequency and percentage distribution, the mean, t-test and f-test or ANOVA. The following are the conclusions drawn from the data gathered: 1) Out of 100 respondents, majority were females, widowed, Catholic, have two or more children, diagnosed with sickness, have an income of Php5,000 and below and elementary undergraduates; 2) The older persons staying in a home for the aged have a high level of self-esteem. They feel that they have their own worth and they are of equal plane with others. They feel that they have a number of good qualities, have a positive attitude towards themselves, and they are satisfied with themselves. On the other hand, they are inclined to feel that they are a failure, they do not have much to be proud of they feel useless at times, and think that they are not good at all because they were not successful with their lives and their families sent them to a Home for the Aged instead of caring for them; 3) The older persons living with their families have a high level of self-esteem. With their family, the older relative feel they are ease because the family members let their older family members feel that they are worth caring for; 4) There are no significant differences in the level of self-esteem of older persons staying in a home for the aged in terms of gender, civil status, religion, health condition and educational attainment. There is a significant difference in their level of self-esteem when grouped according to number of children. The respondents having two or more children have a higher level of self-esteem compared to those having one or no child. Having two or more children will make the older person feel more secure because they know that even though they are staying in a home for the aged they know that their children will visit them; 5) There are no significant differences in the level of self-esteem of older persons living with their families in terms of gender, civil status, health condition, number of children and educational attainment. There is a significant difference when grouped in terms of religion. Those who are non-Catholic have a higher level of self-esteem than those who are Catholic; 6) There is a significant difference in the level of self-esteem between older persons staying in a home for the aged and living with their families. Older persons living with their families have higher level of self-esteem than older persons staying in a home for the aged. Even though both groups of respondents have a high level of self-esteem, the ones living with their family experienced of higher level of self-esteem. Since family is important to individuals as they age, it is also essential that their family’s presence is always felt. Living with their family, they feel more secure and at ease and know that they are being cared for by their immediate family members and loved ones.

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