"Relationship between the level of knowledge and acceptance of parents " by Ana Maridelle M. Bueno, Janell Louise C. Calado et al.

Relationship between the level of knowledge and acceptance of parents with children having down syndrome

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Parenting, Down Syndrome, Parent-Child Relations


The study utilized a quantitative non-experimental descriptive research design. One hundred (100) respondents were chosen using purposive sampling. The researchers used an adapted and validated questionnaire. The statistical tests applied in the study were percentage and frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, f-test, t-test and product-moment correlation coefficient. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents were aged 46-50 years old, female, married, college graduates, employed, with a monthly family income of Php25,000 and above; 2) The respondents had very high level of knowledge regarding Down syndrome; 3) The respondents had moderate level of acceptance regarding Down syndrome; 4) There was no significant difference in the level of knowledge of parents regarding Down syndrome when grouped according to age, gender, civil status, occupation and monthly family income but there was a significant difference when grouped according to educational attainment; 5) There was no significant difference in the level of acceptance of parents regarding Down syndrome when grouped according to age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, occupation and monthly family income; 6) There was a very slight direct, but not significant, relationship between the level of knowledge and the level of acceptance of parents with children have Down syndrome.

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