"Childbirth fears among women during third trimester pregnancy in selec" by Kevin John V. Ilagan, Rose Jenn G. Panganiban et al.

Childbirth fears among women during third trimester pregnancy in selected Barangays in Imus, Cavite.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Fear, Pregnancy, Psychology


Quantitative type of research, specifically the descriptive research, was utilized in this study. The respondents were 100 women on their third trimester pregnancy selected through purposive sampling. The original with created Childbirth Fear Questionnaire in original English and Filipino version which had been tested for validity and reliability was the tool used in data gathering. The statistical treatments that wer used in dealing with the acquired data and in solving the research problems were the percentage distribution to determine the profile of the respondents according to age, civil status, economic status, educational attainment, history of fetal death, number of children, and anticipated mode of delivery; mean to determine the level of childbirth fears among women during third trimester pregnancy; t-test to determine the significant difference when grouped according to civil status, history of fetal death and anticipated mode of delivery; f-test to determine the significant difference when grouped according to age, economic status, educational attainment and number of children. The study concluded that, 1) Most pregnant women on their third trimester in selected barangays in Imus, Cavite were early adult, married, had an income of less than P10,00 per month, high school undergraduate and graduate, had no history of fetal death, without child, and anticipated normal delivery; 2) Mild level of fear was present among the pregnant women on their third trimester in selected barangays in Imus, Cavite. This was a relatively normal experience for pregnant women during third trimester pregnancy; 3) Level of childbirth fears among the pregnant women during their third trimester pregnancy in selected barangays in Imus, Cavite was not affected by civil status, economic status, educational attainment, history of fetal death and anticipated mode of delivery but was affected by age and number of children.

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