"Effects of videogame therapy on the level of anxiety of hospitalized p" by Derlin T. Baywas, Rhey-an Jusfred H. Caballero et al.

Effects of videogame therapy on the level of anxiety of hospitalized pediatric patients

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Video Games, Anxiety, Pediatric Nursing


This study utilized the quasi-experimental design particularly the non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Using purposive sampling, the number of respondents for the study was limited to 40 clients aging 6 to 12 years old who are confined at the De La Salle University Medical Center. The following instruments were used for data gathering: Data sheet or Information sheet which was used to gather demographic data of the respondents such as age, gender, religious affiliation, previous confinement in a hospital and exposure to video games. The Overt Anxiety Response Rating Scale (OARRS) which classified the responses in the following namely: movements, verbalization and gestures with corresponding levels of anxiety and scores with every observation time as indicated in the legend of the observation tool. The Vital Signs Anxiety Response Rating Scale (VSARRS), which was used to record and monitor the pulse rate, respiratory rate, and systolic blood pressure of the respondents. Percentage distribution, mean and t-test of uncorrelated means are the statistical tools utilized in this study. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents were ages 6-8 years old, Catholic, has previous hospitalization and had been exposed to video games. Respondents in the control group were mostly female compared with the treatment group; 2) There was a low level of anxiety in the treatment group and control group before exposure to video game therapy, whereas after the implementation of video game therapy, the treatment group acquires had no sign of anxiety and the control group remained in low anxiety level; 3) There were no significant differences in the level of anxiety of hospitalized pediatric patients before the video game therapy. There are significant differences in the level of anxiety of hospitalized pediatric patients who were exposed and not exposed to video game therapy. The video game therapy is an effective nursing intervention to alleviate anxiety of hospitalized pediatric patient.

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