"Perception of males aged 10-16 years old regarding circumcision in sel" by Nereeisa Ros M. Bajon, Carrie Joyce V. Magno et al.

Perception of males aged 10-16 years old regarding circumcision in selected areas in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Circumcision, Male


This study was a descriptive, non-experimental method. This study applied the purposive sampling technique. A self-made tool was used composed of demographic data and the 25 item questions for perception analysis. The statistical treatments used were percentage distribution, mean, frequency and ANOVA via t-test.The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Most of the respondents are aged 10-12 years old, Catholic and are in the elementary level; 2) The male clients aged-10-16 years old have high level of perception regarding circumcision both in health-related, culture and religion aspects as represented by the overall mean of 20.48 which signifies that they agree with the statements presented in the questionnaire; 3) The perception of males aged 10-16 years old when grouped according to age, educational attainment and religion reveals no significant difference.

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