"Perception of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Bachelor of Scienc" by June Kenneth G. Andino, Katherine Anne E. De Castro et al.

Perception of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Bachelor of Science in Nursing students class 2010 on involvement in extracurricular activities and its effects on their academic performance

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Education, Nursing, Academic Performance.


This study is a quantitative research that used a non-experimenal type of research which may also be referred to as observational research. Using the convenience sampling, the respondents of the study were 150 out of 241 bonafide third year BS Nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute SY 2008-2009 who were either involved or not involved in extracurricular organizations. The instrument used in this study was a self-made questionnaire where a total of 15 questions were answered by respondent. Statistical treatment used for the analysis of gathered data was frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and ANOVA. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of DLSHSI nursing students Class of 2010 are female, not involved in extracurricular activities, Catholic, and obtained satisfactory academic performance during the first and second semesters, SY 2008-2009; 2) There is a fair perception of involvement in extracurricular activities and its effects on the academic performance of the respondents; 3) The respondents have a fair perception on involvement in extracurricular activities and its effects on their academic performance regardless of gender, type of involvement, religious affiliation and grade point average (GPA). There is no significant difference in the perception of the respondents on extracurricular activities and its effects on their academic performance.

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