"Lived experiences of parents having children with congenital deformity" by Jurish Anne R. Lopez, Adolfo Peter Q. Paras et al.

Lived experiences of parents having children with congenital deformity

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Congenital Abnormalities, Birth Defects, Deformities, Children


Qualitative approach using phenomenology was utilized in this study. Data was obtained through interview using a tape recorder and observation of non-verbal cues. The biological father or mother of a child with physical deformities was selected as participant using purposive sampling technique. The transcript of the parents’ oral description of their experiences in having a child with physical deformities was analyzed using Collaizi’s six-stage process of analysis. The study concluded that, pain outnumbered the different emotions that parents went through. However, happiness and gratefulness for the gift of having a child was still evident in their lives. Societal and caring strife were frequently acknowledged. Society upholds the ideal living and having a deformed child is an exception to that ideology. For the parents, the struggles reached the point of familiarity. They adjusted and accepted the congenitally deformed state of their child. Support systems, including faith and the providence of the Lord, helped to overcome the struggles.

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