"The perception of menopausal women regarding hormone replacement thera" by Merlody Mines Del Rosario, Joy Rosemarie Penaranda et al.

The perception of menopausal women regarding hormone replacement therapy

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Menopause, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Estrogen Replacement Therapy


The quantitative, descriptive and non-experimental method was used. Two hundred (200) respondents from selected areas in Metro Manila were chosen using purposive sampling, where 100 respondents came from Muntinlupa and Las Pinas City each. A self-formulated questionnaire served as the instrument. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution, percentage, mean, f-test ratio (ANOVA) and t-test. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Most of the respondents were 40-49 years old, married, reached tertiary level of education, has family history of heart diseases, had monthly income of P10,000 and below and Roman Catholic; 2) The respondents had a high level of perception regarding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) physiologically, psychologically and socio-economically. This is due to media awareness where HRT is readily available via television, magazines, Internet and journals; 3) There was no significant difference in the perception of the menopausal women regarding HRT when grouped according to age, civil status, family history of diseases and religion. These variables were not influential factors in their perception. Educational attainment and monthly income are influential factors on the respondents’ perception. The perception varies when they have different level of educational attainment and monthly income because they have different needs, financial capabilities and educational background.

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