"The level of knowledge of male middle adults regarding prostate cancer" by Jovita M. Delos Reyes III, Joanna Kristal A. Remolino et al.

The level of knowledge of male middle adults regarding prostate cancer in selected municipalities of Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Prostatic Neoplasms, Prostate Cancer, Cancer of Prostate


This study utilized a non-experimental descriptive method. Two hundred (200) male middle adults were equally selected from the different municipalities of Cavite using convenience sampling technique. A self-made multiple choice questionnaire served as the instrument. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution, percentage, mean, t-test of independent outcomes and f-test. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents were below 40 years old, married, college graduate, employed, had a monthly family income of P10,000 and below, and with no family history of cancer; 2) Majority of the respondents were lowly knowledgeable based on the percentage average system of grading. Most were generally knowledgeable to prostate cancer preventive management and its common signs and symptoms. However, they lacked the general knowledge to prostate cancer diagnostics and assessments, treatment and prostate anatomy and physiology; 3) There was no significant difference on the level of knowledge of the respondents regarding prostate cancer when grouped according to age, civil status, employment status, and family history. However, there was a significant difference when grouped according to educational attainment and monthly family income.

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