"Perception of institutionalized children on the quality of care render" by Louisel Rose C. Cani, Analyn B. Ordonez et al.

Perception of institutionalized children on the quality of care rendered by the personnel at Christian Mission Service in Naic, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Child, Adopted, Quality of Health Care, Respite Care, Religious Personnel


This study utilized the descriptive type of research. A survey questionnaire was constructed to obtain data. The primary subjects were composed of 85 respondents selected through continuous sampling technique from the total population of 167 children who are male and female, with age ranging from 7 to 12 years old and have resided in the institution for at least (1) one year. In the analysis of the data gathered, percentage, mean, t-test, and f-test or ANOVA were the statistical treatments used. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents belong to 9-10 years old group, female, in Grade I and II, had been staying in the institution for 1-3 years and under privileged; 2) Institutionalized children have perceived that they are always being cared by the personnel at CMS in terms of physical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects of care; 3) There is significant difference on the quality of care received by the institutionalized children at CMS in Naic, Cavite in terms of physical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspect when grouped according to age. There is no significant difference when they were grouped according to sex, educational attainment, length of stay in the institution and reason for institutionalization.

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