"Comparative study on the perception of selected male adults regarding " by Delfia A. Camerino, Maria Ehtel G. Cervantes et al.

Comparative study on the perception of selected male adults regarding the use of viagra in urban and rurban communities

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Sildenafil Citrate


The descriptive type of research was used. The study involved 60 respondents, comprised of 30 each from urban and rurban community with ages ranging from 40 to 70 years old and chosen using convenience sampling technique. The respondents included Catholic and non-Catholic, either single, married or widowed, and reached elementary, secondary, and college level. Dropped outs and illiterate were not included in the study. The researchers used a survey type of self-made questionnaire-checklist. Frequency distribution, percentage, mean, t-test and f-test were used for data analysis. The following conclusions were drawn based on the results of the findings: 1) In the urban community, most of respondents were 40-49 years old, married, Catholic and have an income of P5,000.00 and below. Half of the respondents were in the secondary level of education. 2) In the rurban community, most of the male adults belong to 40-49 years old group, married, reached elementary and secondary level, receive an income P5,000.00 and below and Catholic; 3) With regard to the perception on the use of Viagra, respondents from urban community showed moderate level of perception; 4) In rurban community, most of the respondents agree with the items stated on the tool used with the interpreted overall mean score of high level of perception regarding the use of Viagra; 5) With regard to the perception of selected male adults in urban community regarding the use of Viagra grouped according to age, those who fell under 40-49 years old have the highest level of perception. In terms of civil status, the married group has the highest level of perception regarding the use of Viagra. Educational attainment is a significant factor that influences the level of perception regarding the use of Viagra. Respondents who reached elementary and high school level have higher level of perception; 6) Concerning the perception of selected male adults in rurban community regarding the use of Viagra, the respondents have moderate level of perception. Educational attainment is a significant factor that influences the level of perception regarding the use of Viagra. Those who reached elementary and high school level have higher level of perception; 7) Based on the results of the study, the male adults in rurban community have the higher level of perception regarding the use of Viagra.

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