"The extent of the practice of participatory management in the College " by Rowena C. Arriola, Anna Liza A. Espariña et al.

The extent of the practice of participatory management in the College of Nursing and Midwifery as perceived by the BSN IV students, faculty, and administrators

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nuising, Social Participation


This is a non-experimental, descriptive explanatory study. Questionnaires were distributed to the total population of 167 BSN students, 44 faculty members, and 6 administrators who served as the respondents and selected through cluster sampling technique. Data was analyzed using mean and Chi-square test of proportions. Based on the findings, the researchers arrived at the conclusion that the administrators and faculty members have the same level of perception regarding training and policy making. Students reported a higher level of perception than the administrators and faculty members. In terms of decision making, communication, and personalization, students, faculty members and administrators have the same level of perception. The study recommends the following: 1) for the students to participate in the delegation of tasks done by the management and to coordinate and establish a camaraderie with other colleges; 2) for the faculty members to participate in the delegation of tasks done by the management, to utilize the suggestion box often and to continuously encourage the students to do so for the betterment of the entire College. Faculty should remind the administrators to improve the means of communication through appropriate and regular distribution of letters and memoranda and should seek clarifications not only with the administrators, practice assertiveness, be involved in the implementation of peer review with honesty and tact, and attend to the needs of the students as well as the administrators.

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