"Relationship between social support and level of compliance with treat" by Kathryn May G. Cabrito and Aissa Ruby D. Toledo

Relationship between social support and level of compliance with treatment regimen among clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from selected municipalities in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, Social Support, Patient Compliance


The study used the descriptive correlational method of research. It involved 100 respondents diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus from selected municipalities in Cavite chosen through purposive sampling technique. Two (2) sets of questionnaires were used. The first was adapted from the study of Elizabeth Saz (2000) and the second set was adopted and modified form the study of Catherine Anciro, Liwayway Crucena and Reylene Porras (2002). The second set of questionnaire was validated by faculty members of the College of Nursing and Midwifery of De La Salle Health Sciences Campus. Data was collected through percentage, mean, t-test of independent means, f-test or one-way ANOVA and the Pearson’s Correlation. They study concluded that, 1) Most of the respondents of the study consisted of clients who were Catholic, male, 34-64 years old, had active lifestyle, married, in a nuclear family structure, elementary undergraduates, had a monthly family income of P10,000.00 below, had a regular consultation, were performing exercise for less than one (1) hour per day, had the disease for less than three (3) years, know the signs and symptoms and the possible complications of the disease with cardiovascular disease as the most common, and with no self-monitoring kit/hemo glucose test machine at home; 2) The level of social support rendered by family, friends, relatives and significant others as perceived by clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in terms of emotional, integration, tangible and informational support were very good; 3) The level of compliance with treatment regimen among clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in terms of skin and foot care, diet, exercise and clothing and medication was very good; 4) There was no significant difference in the level of social support among clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus when grouped according to religion, age, civil status, family structure, educational attainment, monthly family income, consultation status, exercise, disease duration, knowledge about the disease including the possible signs and symptoms and possible complications of the disease and the availability of self-monitoring kit/hemo glucose test machine at home; 5) There was no significant difference in the level of compliance with treatment regimen among clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus when grouped according to religion, gender, age, lifestyle, civil status, family structure, educational attainment, monthly family income, disease duration, knowledge about the signs and symptoms of the disease, and availability of self-monitoring kit/hemo glucose test machine at home; 6) There was no significant relationship between social support and level of compliance with treatment regimen among clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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