"Child beating : as a form of discipline as viewed by selected parents " by Luna Rosa Carranza and Davian Cosme

Child beating : as a form of discipline as viewed by selected parents in Cavite City.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Parent-Child Relations, Child Discipline, Child Health


The descriptive normative survey method of research was used in the study. Thirty (30) parents were chosen as respondents by quota sampling. Checklist questionnaire was the main tool for data gathering and supplemented by interviews. Data was analyzed through frequency and percentage. The study concluded that, 1) Child beating as a form of discipline is harmful to the development of the child, thus accepting hypothesis (a); 2) Majority of the respondents perceived that the advantage of child beating is the clear understanding between the parents and the child on the misbehavior committed by the latter thereby hypothesis (b) is accepted; 3) Majority of the respondents perceived that the disadvantage of child beating is the harboring of dislike and hatred for authority up to the child’s adulthood years thus accepting hypothesis (c); 4) Majority of the respondents perceived the psychological and emotional effects of child beating among their children and this accepted in the hypothesis.

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