"Survey of the experiences and problems of student nurses batch '91 of " by Arlyn C. Castor and Mary Glenda B. Encabo

Survey of the experiences and problems of student nurses batch '91 of DLSU-EAC regarding their related learning experience in the community

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


College Students, Nursing, Academic Performance


This study used the descriptive, non-experimental method. The respondents composed of 40 nursing students of De La Salle University – Emilio Aguinaldo college Batch ’91 who had undergone their Related Learning Experience in the community were selected through quota sampling. The primary instrument used by the researchers in data gathering is the questionnaire. Survey was used to answer questions, satisfy curiosity, solve problem and desire for richer understanding of phenomenon of interest. Data was analyzed through frequency and percentage.The findings of this study were as follows: 1) In the community, majority said that they were able to give health teachings, family planning, marriage counseling, nutrition, sanitation and immunizations while others said that they were able to identify needs and problems of the community. Some were able to handle actual deliveries, assist and cord dressings, others developed sense of independence regarding community works, some were able to meet different kinds of people, do surveys and give immunizations and few considered the development of their communication skills as significant; 2) There are also problems arising from their duty in the community, most of the respondents see unsanitary environment as the main problem, minor problems were less chance of development or advancement of skills and techniques in the community because it is routinary, uncooperative residents in the community, lack of facilities and transportation; and 3) With regards to the steps which helped the respondents in solving their problems, majority of the respondents ignore and adapt to the situations, plan proper activities, level themselves to the people, orient themselves in the community and establish a good public relationship. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) The significant experience the respondents perceived during their Related Learning Experience in the community is that they were able to develop sense of independence, rejecting the first hypothesis; 2) The main problem that respondents perceived during their Related Learning Experience in the community is lack of facilities, rejecting the second hypothesis; and 3) The main step the respondents used in coping with their problem encountered during their Related Learning Experience in the community is to ignore and adapt to the situation, accepting the third hypothesis.

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