"Study of the correlation of the National College Entrance Examination " by Tranquilino Bencito Causapin Jr. and Pablo Zara Perez

Study of the correlation of the National College Entrance Examination rating to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing De La Salle University-EAC

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


National College Entrance Examination


The research design used in the study is the descriptive correlational method. Using stratified sampling technique, the subjects of the study were the 100 Bachelor of Science in Nursing student of Batch 1993, who are regular Bachelor of Science in Nursing students. Those who are irregulars, transferees and not National College Entrance Examination examinees of Batch 1988 were excluded. The data consisting of the National College Entrance Examination Rating, the Grade Point Average for one (1) school year and the achievement test rating were collected from the academic folder of the student. Coefficient of correlation was used for data analysis. The study aimed to determine if the National College Entrance Examination Rating is a predictor of academic performance of selected nursing students in their Second Year Level and evaluate whether the National College Entrance Examination rating can be used as a reliable screening parameter for the admission of college student applicants, specifically to the nursing course. The academic performance of the selected sample of 100 students was determined through their First Year Level academic grades and their rating in the Institutional Achievement Test administered at the end of their First Year Level. The National College Entrance Examination rating was used as the independent variable, therefore, as the predictor of the academic grade and achievement test performance. The study found out that the National College Entrance Examination is a very poor predictor of the academic performance of the selected samples. The National College Entrance Examination ratings are generally higher than the academic grades and the achievement test ratings are very low compared to the two variables ratings, which shows that there is no correlation between the three variables. Thus, the reliability of the National Entrance Examination as a gauge of the student's capability to enter the collegiate level was questioned. The study concluded that National College Entrance Examination is not an accurate parameter or screening policy as expected to the student’s intellectual status on their academical performance. The National College Entrance Examination rating, therefore, should not be made as an absolute criterion for admission requirement.

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