Factors affecting nutritional status of infant residing in upland, lowland and resettlement area

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nutritional Status, Infant


The descriptive research method was utilized in this study. From a population of 150 infants, simple random sampling technique was used to determine 50 infants from upland (Indang), 50 infants from lowland (Tramo), and 50 infants from resettlement area (Burol -DBB) as sample. Checklist was used to collect data, such as the demographic status of the infant and the current weight of infant age between 0 to 12 months old categorized into normal weight and underweight based on the standard weight criteria obtained through the records available in the health center of different areas and actual weighing of the infant via house-to-house visit. Frequency distribution and percentage of underweight and normal weight of infants in terms of pre-natal care received by mothers, types of feeding, immunization status, and ordinal position in the family. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Most of the infants in the upland, lowland, and resettlement area had normal weight based on the standard weight criteria; 2) Most of the mothers received regular pre-natal care; 3) Most of the infants received breast feeding from their mothers; 4) Most of the infants in upland and lowland area received complete immunization, while most infants received incomplete immunization in the resettlement area; 5) Most of the infants were the youngest among the family members.

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