"The effects of health education to the level of knowledge of adolescen" by Anne Christine C. Alican, Joanna Marie B. Entac et al.

The effects of health education to the level of knowledge of adolescents regarding sexually transmitted infections

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Adolescents, Health Education


This study made used of the quasi-experimental non-equivalent group design for its research design wherein the samples were separated into a control group and a treatment group. Dasmarinas National High School and General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School were chosen as the setting for the study. The proponents derived forty (40) respondents using convenience and purposive sampling. The respondents of the study were 13 to 14 years old students, who were divided into two (2) groups-the treatment and the control. This study utilized a questionnaire consisting of respondents’ demographic data followed by 20 questions regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections adopted from a 2005 undergraduate thesis. For data analysis, the following statistics treatment were used: frequency distribution, percentage, mean and t-test. In view of the result of this study the following conclusions are drawn: 1) Most of the respondents were Catholic female with parents graduated from college; 2) The control group obtained a moderate to low level of knowledge during the pre-test and post-test, respectively. The treatment group obtained a moderate level of knowledge during the pre-test. After rendering health education, post-test in the treatment group reached a high level of knowledge; 3) After analyzing the statistical results obtainted, it is concluded that health education is an effective intervention to increase the level of knowledge of adolescents regarding sexually transmitted infections.

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