"Knowledge, attitude and practices of young adult women from San Jose, " by Kaori Beatrix S. Tapawan, Ma. Josea Fatima M. Tolentino et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science


Young women, Menstrual Hygiene, Menstrual Knowledge, Menstrual Attitude, Menstrual Practices


Menstrual hygiene is vital for maintaining cleanliness during menstruation. Poor menstrual hygiene is associated with truancy, negative psychosocial effects, and urogenital infections. Women need access to water, accessible menstrual hygiene products, and an encouraging atmosphere that promotes knowledge where they may manage their menstruation without embarrassment. Thus, this study aimed to identify the level of knowledge, attitude, and practices of young women from San Jose, Dasmarinas, and Cavite on menstrual hygiene. The study surveyed with an adapted research questionnaire from the study by Yagnik (2015) and Monga’re (2022) among 103 respondents ages 18-26 years old residing in San Jose, Dasmarinas, Cavite. Most respondents are 26 years old, College graduates, Roman Catholic, and use sanitary pads. The results showed that 54.4% of respondents were highly knowledgeable, 61.2% had a high understanding attitude, and 83.5% had high-level practices on menstrual hygiene. There are no significant differences in the level of knowledge, attitude, and practices when grouped according to profile since the p-values are greater than 0.05. Lastly, there is no significant relationship between the level of practice and the attitude of young women because the p-value is greater than 0.05. However, there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and attitude and the level of knowledge and practices of young adult women since the p-value is less than 0.05. Conclusively, women who are more aware of healthy menstruation practices and hygiene are less likely to get infections of the reproductive system and their implications.

First Advisor

Arianne Rose A. Lim
